Sunday, April 13, 2014

Housing updates from Trion Worlds

On April 8th 2014 Trion Worlds held a stream focusing specifically of NA ArcheAge housing. Many of the features are detailed in page at the bottom of this post but some highlights that may not have been addressed directly that I took notice of. The tl;dr of the video they provided goes something like this:

  • The group lays down a building using an item from their inventory in what seems to be a public neighborhood within the NA Alpha. (Skip to this in their video)
  • After placing the site, it is not immediately built. By clicking on the site, it will display the materials required to complete this location. Other information provided includes the taxes on the home, when they are due, the size of the site. The building site is protected for a certain amount of time that was not mentioned. Some of this information is also listed in your inventory. The current estimated time you can go without paying your taxes is 2 weeks. After this, your site vulnerable to attack. 
  • Question asked, is it possible to open your own shop? The short answer is no.
  • As progress is made on your building, it's physical appearance will change to mark its growth.
  • There will be the ability to provide privileges to other players so they may assist you in building your site. They will not be able to make additions within your home when it is made, but will be able to manipulate the items inside it depending on the privilege given to the person. (Skip to in video)
  • One of my personal favorites in the housing is just how much leeway you're given to do as you please with the items you can put inside of your home. Specifically there is no grid on the floor when they are placing items, and it seems instead of rotating in a compass style (North, northeast, east, etc.) that ArcheAge provides a much more finite ability to rotate the items, allowing you to customize the look of your home that much more. (Skip to in video)
  • Question asked, will housing only be available to subscribers? Short answer is if you are a subscriber you may build a house. There will also be methods for F2P players to own homes. Being able to build a home means you have "Patron" status which is acquired by meeting either of those requirements.
  • What happens when there is no more housing space? You will either need to seek a more satisfactory spot for your home on another server, or share a home with other players.
  • The more homes you own, the higher your taxes will be. For example if John is building his first home, it costs 6 gold. If John were to build an identical home as his second home, he would pay more than 6 gold because he already owns 1 property.
  • Homes are generally located near vendors.
  • Every home will be allotted a certain of amount of land.


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